Dr. Dilip Kumar Datta, is a renowned financial consultant with extensive experience of more than 40 years in organizations like UCO Bank as Chief Officer (Credit Appraisal), Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI) as General Manager. He is the founder and CEO of Sayantan Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
He started his career at East Anglia Plastics (India) Ltd. and later on shifted to Hindusthan Cables Ltd. As a part of Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India, he has taken care of, techno Economic appraisal of projects of large and medium scale units. Management Appraisal and assessment of Credit Worthiness of Industry Houses both in Private/Govt./Semi-Govt/ Corporate Sector. Drawing up Rehabilitation Scheme for potentially viable sick units. Monitoring the implementation of Rehabilitation scheme with reference to the scheme sanctioned by bank/ Institutions as also monitoring of funds made available to the units. Evaluation of package of reliefs/concessions for revival of sick units. Representing IRBI before BIFR (Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction) and AAIFR (Appellate Authority for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction). Merchant Banking, Merger/Amalgamation/ Acquisition, Leasing/Hire Purchase/ Equipment Refinance, Formulation of Turn-around strategy for Industrial Companies.
As a part of UCO Bank, he was responsible for Branch Banking, Techno Economic Appraisal of various schemes/projects. Evaluation of project report, Monitoring of Bank’s advances lent to borrowers, Appraisal of working capital requirement of large & medium scale units (both fund based and non-fund based), Assessment of Credit worthiness of Industrial Companies and Industrial Group, International Finance and International Banking.
He has also shared his vast knowledge and experience as a visiting faculty with students group at many reputed universities and colleges like, Calcutta University (Business Management Department Alipore Campus), Calcutta University (Department of Commerce, MBA Finance College Street Campus), Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM), Globsyn Business School Training & Advanced Studies in Management and Communications Ltd. (TASMAC), Amity Global Business School, Kolkata, International School of Business (ISB), National Institute of Management, Calcutta (now, Army Institute of Management), Institute of Modern Management, Calcutta, Institute of Management Technology (IMT), Ghaziabad, Calcutta Centre.
He also has experience as Paper Setter and Examiner for Advanced Corporate Financial Management, Financial Management, Statistical Tools used in Financial Management, Global Financial Management, Corporate Merger & Acquisition, Infrastructure Project Financing, Project Management and Control, Retail Finance and Retail Audit, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Financial Institutions in India, Investment Banking and Financial Services.
He is also fond of sharing views and knowledge by means of various publications. He has already published journals on topics like Industrial Sickness in India: Some conceptual issues in (SURVEY:- A publication of Indian Institute of Social Welfare & Business Management (IISWBM) and Industrial Sickness in India: Magnitude and Intensity in the journal named ( The Management Accountant :A publication of ICWAI). There are few more topics that are expected to be published soon, like Industrial Sickness in India: Macro Economic Concept ( to be published at Chartered Accountant A publication of ICAI) and Performance of Manufacturing Industries: Interstate Disparities in India Asian Economic Review.
As a profound source of knowledge and experience, he is still the backbone of Sayantan Consultants Pvt. Ltd. As a Director and Chief Executive Officer he is presently taking care of responsibilities like, Undertaking Techno Economic viability of projects of large and medium scale industrial units. Drawing up of Rehabilitation Scheme for potentially viable sick industrial companies. Industrial Revival through Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR). Formulation of Take-over proposal by Merger/ Amalgamation and on “stand-alone” basis. Monitoring the implementation of Rehabilitation scheme with reference to the scheme sanctioned by bank/Institutions as also monitoring of funds made available to the units. Preparation of package of reliefs/concessions for revival of sick industrial companies. Turn-around strategy and Turn-around Management. International capital budgeting. Private Placement of structured Debt Instruments. Management of Non Performing Assets (N.P.A) of Banks.